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The importance of yoga in our daily life.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

/ by Umesh shrestha
We all think Yoga is beneficial only at the physical level, but we fail to understand the immense advantages of yoga as it involves in uniting the mind, body and soul. Once you have acquired harmony and your mind is at peace, the journey through life can be achieved peacefully, soother, happier and in a more satisfying way.

 In this busy world, we don’t find ample of time to be spent in doing yoga. So many people opt for simple exercises to keep themselves fit. Weight loss, strong and flexible physique, healthy-looking gorgeous skin, serene mind, good well-being – whatsoever you might be looking for, yoga is the best suitable solution for it. Though quite often yoga is only to some extent understood as being limited to asanas. Although Yoga in Daily Life is a system of practice which consists of development in physical, mental, social and spiritual health. When the body is physically healthy, the mind is clear, focused and stress is under control.

 It changes us entirely by loving and helping all living beings, respect for life, protection of nature peaceful state of mind, and positive thoughts, spiritual practices, tolerance for all nations, cultures and religions. The main purpose is it leads us to live a stress free life. Yogic techniques are known to improve one’s overall performance. Pranayama (life force) is an important, yet little known part of Yoga. Asanas help you to maintain your body fit whereas Meditation deals with your mind and soul.

The main goals of “Yoga in Daily Life” are: 

  •  Physical Health 
  • Mental Health 
  • Social Health 
  • Spiritual Health 
  • Self- Realization or realization of the Divine within us

These goals are attained by:
  • Love and help for all living beings
  • Respect for life, protection of nature and the environment
  • A peaceful state of mind

  • Iner peace
  • Healthy
  • Activeness
  • Fitness with weight loss
  • Increase blood flow in the whole body

Image & Content source: http://

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